There are 3 areas in Canny where users and admins can upload files to Canny.
The limits and requirements for each are listed below!
1. Attaching files to posts
Users can drag, paste, or use the attachment button in the "create post" form:
Supported File types:
Image Files: PNG, JPEG, GIF, WebP, SVG
Text and Document Files: TXT, RTF, CSV, MD, YAML, PDF, DOC/DOCX, ODT
Spreadsheet Files: XLS/XLSX, ODS
Presentation Files: PPT/PPTX, ODP, KEY
Data Interchange and Markup Files: JSON, XML
Video Files: MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, FLV
Things to know:
Multiple files can be uploaded on each post.
Each image is limited to 8MB in size.
You can add your vote to this post for updates on options for more file types.
The Free plan only allows for image files (see the first bullet point below).
All paid plans include support for all file types.
2. Uploading a profile image
This can be set/updated on the Profile tab in your Canny settings. Simply click on 'Upload image' to choose your profile pic:
Image Requirements:
Must be in a supported format (.jpg .jpeg .png or .gif)
Max 8MB
3. Company logo / favicon
These can be set in the in General tab your Canny settings. Just select which you want to upload:
Image Requirements:
Must be in a supported format (.jpg .jpeg .png or .gif)
Max 8MB
Ratio must be 1:1, (i.e. it must be a square image where pixel length = height)
For favicons, we recommend a size of 32 x 32 for optimal display in the browser.
As always, let us know if you have any questions!