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Where to find notifications in Canny and how to manage them

Jacques Reulet avatar
Written by Jacques Reulet
Updated over a week ago

Canny will send notifications when:

  • New comments are added to a post

  • New posts are created

  • A post is merged

  • A post is assigned to you

  • The status of a post is updated

  • You are mentioned in a comment

  • The post reaches a vote milestone (see below)

From the bell icon at the top, you'll see a little preview of your latest notifications. You can also hit "see all" to go to a full-page view of your notifications:

On the full page view, you're able to filter notifications to what's most relevant to you:

Post vote milestones

Post vote milestones are as follows:

  • 5

  • 10

  • 25

  • 50

  • 100

  • 250

  • 500

  • 1000

  • 2500

  • 5000

  • 10,000

  • 25,000

  • 50,000

  • 100,000

  • 250,000

  • 500,000

  • 1,000,000

  • 2,500,000

  • 5,000,000

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