Who receives these emails?
End-users who have posted, voted, or commented on your Canny board
This is not sent to Canny admins or end-users who have no post, vote, or comment attributed to them.
When is this email sent?
Weekly user report emails are sent every Monday at 8am PST
What does this email look like?
It will follow your branding and appear in this format:
Things to know
It shows the top 5 new posts from the past week for boards where that user has access.
User reports are turned ON by default but you can turn them off by going to the User Emails page in your main settings.
Emails come from notifications@canny.io. Email whitelabeling is available on the Business plan. Start a chat to learn more!
All user report emails include an unsubscribe link. (This will NOT unsubscribe them from instant notifications like status change emails, admin responses, and mentions).
Gauge interest in features you're considering
If you're thinking about building a feature that hasn't been requested, post it! Your post will show up in the weekly report to encourage users to leave their thoughts.
Gives new feedback a chance
New feedback often gets overlooked. Now, it'll appear in the weekly report. People who have participated before are invited back to weigh in.ย
Maintain visibility
Remind your users of all the hard work you're doing for your entire user base, and let them know you take feedback seriously.