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The Canny widget

Embedding Canny directly into your website or mobile app

Jacques Reulet avatar
Written by Jacques Reulet
Updated today


Portal vs Widget


Your Canny portal is automatically created when the account is set up. Just go to to see your company's Canny portal:


You can also embed a Canny board into any page you create using a widget.

You can also use a Canny widget inside a mobile app. This will make for a native experience that avoids sending users out to the mobile browser.

Use SSO to automatically authenticate users

With a widget embedded, SSO enables a seamless feedback experience for your voters in place of Canny Identify (which is typically used when linking to the Canny portal). You can still use Canny Identify to identify widget users, however.

Even if you don't set up either SSO or Canny Identify, end-users will still be able to log in via the widget!

Things to note:

  • When searching inside the widget, a search is only looking for posts on that one embedded board. Searching in the Canny portal will universally search all boards to which that user has access.

  • The light and dark mode selections you have in the General settings tab in Canny also apply to the widget.

  • Boards with custom access can only be rendered in a widget with SSO tokens included.

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