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Discord Integration

Get notifications in Discord when something happens in Canny

Jacques Reulet avatar
Written by Jacques Reulet
Updated over 3 months ago


Connect Canny to Discord to get instant notifications from specific boards and select events from Canny in Discord.


  • Quickly moderate posts and comments with real-time notifications.

  • Keep your team in the loop on major updates.

  • Notify your clients when a new feature is released.

How to set up Discord

Before you begin

  1. Owner-level admin permissions in Canny are required to connect the integration

  2. You will also need to have permission to manage the server in Discord

Connecting the integration

  1. Head to the Discord settings page in Canny and click on the Install Discord button:

  2. Select the server and authorize Canny:

  3. Back in the Discord settings page in Canny, you can select which channel you’d like Canny notifications to display, and what events you’d like Canny to notify about:

  4. Canny will then notify you when those events take place in Discord:

Using the integration in private Discord Channels

Canny will need access to the private channel(s) in order to send notifications.

Use the “Edit Channel” option to go to the channel settings and add Canny as a channel member from the Permissions tab in Discord:

You can either give Canny specific access to the channel or you can set up a role in your server settings that includes Canny and has access to the channel.

Things to note:

  • The Discord integration is available on all plans

  • Discord will count toward the integration limits on Free and Starter plans.

  • Whenever a new board is added in Canny, you'll need to enable it to get notifications delivered.

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