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Internal roadmap scoring

How to use internal roadmap factors to score posts for prioritization

Jacques Reulet avatar
Written by Jacques Reulet
Updated over 2 months ago


How internal roadmap scoring works. Best practices for setting up scoring.

Canny's roadmap uses the principles of the RICE scoring system. That means you quantify and sum up Reach, Impact, and Confidence, then divide that total by your quantified Effort.

Setting the score

Click the Score button at the top of the page to set up the scoring on a roadmap:

Here is where you can create and define the factors Canny will use to calculate the score of each post.

You'll be presented with this scoring modal where you can define your factors.


Impact Factors vs Effort Factors

Impact Factors are meant to quantify the effects and results of this post. It can be anything your team wants to consider when prioritizing.

Examples of impact factors:

  • Potential revenue from Opportunities

  • Votes from key user segments

  • Existing MRR, etc.

Effort Factors quantify the difficulty of the steps and the extent of investments required to complete the post.

Examples of effort factors:

  • Developer time

  • Monetary costs

  • Design processes, etc.

Impact Factors

Manual Factors

Manual factors are defined and set entirely by your team. This can be literally anything you want to quantify. All other factors pull from automated sources and have set Type.

User Votes Factors

User votes - All

  • Votes with any priority level

User votes - Nice to have

User votes - Important

User votes - Must have

  • Votes with their corresponding priority

Automated Impact Factors

Anything with numeric values can be factored into your roadmap scoring, (including custom fields and opportunity data passed in from Salesforce or HubSpot).

This live, dynamic view is a huge benefit over static spreadsheets where values are constantly going stale. With these fields, you can be more confident in the impact different features can have:

Type, Segment, Calc, and Weight


Canny offers several different scoring options, depending on your use case. Feel free to mix-and-match!

  • 0-10

  • 0-100

  • Fibonacci

  • Stars

  • Checkbox

  • Percentage

  • Number

All types are quantified into the equation of the final score unless their weight is set to zero.


This option allows you to filter a column by user segment. This way, you can appropriately weigh and consider input from key user groups.



Use the Calc option to get a more specific take on the numbers being calculated.


Applying a weight will help you emphasize what's most (and least) important to the final score. A higher weight indicates this figure will have a greater impact and thus be scored more highly vs a lower weight.

Note that you can also set zero as a weight for any factors you'd like to see on the roadmap, but that will not affect the final score.

Things to note:

  • Factor types will be specified upon creation and cannot be modified after the formula is saved. The weight of each factor can be adjusted at any time.

  • By default, you'll see a Votes impact factor. This factor cannot be deleted. If you would like to exclude votes from the final score, you can set the weight of the Votes factor to 0.

You can view a detailed breakdown of the math behind the final score here.

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