Add feedback to Canny directly from the Zendesk inbox.
Connect Zendesk to Canny
NOTE: You must be a Zendesk Admin and have Owner-level admin role permissions in Canny to connect Zendesk.
1. Head to the Zendesk settings page in Canny and connect your Zendesk account.
2. Just paste in your Zendesk subdomain to connect
Adding feedback from Zendesk
Once Zendesk is connected, Canny will appear as an option in the right-hand side panel of the Zendesk Inbox:
Linking the ticket to a post in Canny automatically adds that user's vote.
In Canny, you'll see a Zendesk link in the voter list that brings you back to the original ticket.
If you have any questions, send us a message. We're always happy to help.