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Customizing Fields

How to collect additional structured information in Canny posts and map company fields

Jacques Reulet avatar
Written by Jacques Reulet
Updated over a week ago


Post Fields

Customized post fields are available on the Growth and Business plans.

Custom post fields can be added to the "create post" form or manually toggled on the admin side from the Feedback tab in Canny:

Creating post fields

To get started, head to your team's Fields settings to create new post fields. Custom post fields are in addition to default post fields like Owner, Category, and ETA.

Select the field type that will help you best capture what you're looking for.

Field Type



A numerical value like "123"

Multiline text

Paragraph-length text for detailed info

Multiselect dropdown*

Select one or more options from the available choices


Select only one option from the available choices


A one-line string of text for brief summaries

*Dropdowns can have a maximum of 25 options.

Some examples may include:

  • Platform

  • Relevant feature/product area

  • Relevant objective/initiative

  • Reproduction steps

  • Link to a file

  • Severity/Priority

Where to use custom post fields

The Create Post Form

Add up to 3 custom post fields from the "create post" form tab in the Boards section in your Canny settings:

Add a label and placeholder text for each new field:

To make a field required, just enable the toggle. The post cannot be submitted until that field has been filled if this toggle is enabled:

The finished public view for end-users:

The Feedback tab

Not every custom post field needs to be on the "create post" form. You can use custom post fields internally.

All custom post fields are available on the right-hand side of the Feedback tab in Canny:

Company fields

Map data passed in from the Canny SDK or integrations to key fields inside of Canny.

For example, if you are passing MRR data in from Intercom, you can map that field to calculate MRR data in Canny.






Your customer's current monthly spend

Renewal Date


Date of the customer's next renewal

Renewal Risk


Likelihood of the customer renewing

Account Owner


Person responsible for the account

Customer Status


State of the customer’s account

Any field you pass to Canny can be mapped to one of these. Only fields matching data types will be displayed.

Note that if you're passing in company fields through our API that already match these fields, you won't have to map them in these settings. Corresponding with the table, the key names are monthlySpend, renewalDate, renewalRisk, accountOwner, and customerStatus.

To get Company/Account Owner NAME via the Salesforce or HubSpot integrations:

The default owner fields pull in the owner's ID which is not ideal for our use here. To get the owner's name, you'll need to create a separate field that maps to the owner's name.

In Salesforce, create a new formula type field that maps to the default Owner field:

In HubSpot, create a new property field and set up a workflow to populate that field based on the default Owner field:

Things to note

  • Custom post fields are available to teams on Canny Growth and Business plans.

  • Custom post fields are shared across your whole company.

  • A maximum of 3 custom post fields can be added to the "create post" form.

    • If you're on the Business plan, please contact your account manager to discuss customization.

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