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Changelog Emails

Email notifications sent when a changelog entry is published

Jacques Reulet avatar
Written by Jacques Reulet
Updated over a week ago


  • Who receives these emails?

    • Anyone who subscribes to your changelog. The subscribe link is visible at the top of your changelog

  • When is this email sent?

    • A new changelog entry is published AND you leave the "Notify subscribers" checkbox selected

  • What does this email look like?

    • It will follow your branding and appear in this format:

Things to know:

  • This function is only available on the Starter plan and above.

  • Subscribers will be required to create an account by providing a name and email or using their Facebook, Google, or GitHub logins.

  • The email will include any images/screenshots you add to the update comment as well.

  • Emails come from Email whitelabeling is available on the Business plan. Start a chat to learn more!

  • All Canny emails include an unsubscribe link at the bottom if they wish to stop receiving emails from Canny. It will unsubscribe them from all instant notifications (including status change updates, mentions, and admin response emails). This will NOT unsubscribe them from the weekly user reports we send out.

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