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Canny Reporting

Reports offered by Canny to get insights on your feedback

Jacques Reulet avatar
Written by Jacques Reulet
Updated over 11 months ago

Canny offers several reports to choose from. Reports can be accessed on the admin homepage. Simply click on the Canny logo at the top left-hand corner of the page to view the available reports.

Activity Overview

This report will show raw totals for posts, votes, comments, and status changes within the given date range. You can also filter this report by tag or category.

Customer Requests

An easy way to look at what customers are asking for based on priority. Optionally filter by other company fields like Renewal Risk, Renewal Date, and Account Owner. To see data in this report, you need to be syncing in company data via an integration or Canny's SDK/API.

New posts

Just a quick look at the three newest posts that have been created:

Stale posts

This will show the 3 oldest posts that are in a Planned or In Progress state and haven't had an update in 4 weeks or more.

Admin Leaderboard

See total votes, posts, comments, and merges for each admin within a given date range.

Posts Overview

Take a look at the distribution of posts across your boards. You can filter by board, user segment, category, and date range.


This is identical to the end-user roadmap seen on your Canny homepage ( This is separate and apart from the roadmap prioritization tool.

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